Friday 16 October 2015

5 Relaxation Techniques


It's almost the end of October, midterms are here, exams are coming, everyone deserves to relax a bit, it's good for You and it helps to study better and of course if you are relaxed you feel better. Here are 5 simple techniques how to relax and get rid of all the stress :) 

1. Meditate 

A few minutes of practice can help ease anxiety. Daily meditation may alter the brain's neural pathways, making you more calm and resilient to stress. Meditation is simple! Sit up straight with both feet on the floor . Close your eyes. Focus your attention on breathing or think about something positive such as "I love myself" or "I feel calm". Let all your thoughts float like clouds, get rid of all negativity, you don't need that in your life. 

2. Breathe Deeply

Take a 5-minute break and focus on your breathing. Sit up straight, eyes closed, with hand on your belly. Slowly inhale through your nose, feeling the breath. Deep breathing counters the effects of stress by slowing the heart rate and lowering blood pressure.

3. Laugh Out Loud

A good laugh doesn't just lighten the load mentally. It lowers cortisol, your body's stress hormone, and boosts brain chemicals called endorphins, which help your mood. Tune in your favourite sitcom or reading the comics, do something that usually make you smile :).

4. Get Moving

All forms of exercise will do good for you, including yoga and walking or even cleaning your room :). Excercising can ease depression and anxiety by helping the brain release feel-good chemicals and by giving your body a chance to practisce dealing with stress.

5. Be Grateful

Be grateful and remember all the things that are good in life, think of something that you appreciate most. Being grateful cancels out negative thoughts and worries. So be thankful for what you have in life and try  think that all the stressful things in life are here just to challenge you and to make you realise what is important and has to be appreciated. 

Stay psoitive :),
Healthy&Happy crew ^^

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