Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Being Happy at Work


Some people are lucky when they find the job that they love and then almost every day being at work is like a holiday to them, but it doesn't happen to all of us, so what we should do in order to feel better at work? Here I will give you some easy tips on how to make your workplace a better place :)

Have a Sense of Meaning 
Employees who know how their work has a meaningful, positive impact on others are not just happier than those who don't; they are vastly more productive, too. If you know why you do your job and that's the meaning of it you will instantly feel better doing it :)

Create an 'Office Nest'
If you want to feel comfortable at work, you should make your space your own, you can do that by decorating your area as much as you are allowed to and make yourself comfortable and relaxed.

Something as simple as smiling can improve your happiness at work because it tells your brain to be more happy :) Smiling is also contagious and it will make your co-workers smile as well.

Leave Personal Problems at Home 
Emotions consume you and stress exhausts you. When you are stressed it will seem like your work is never ending, you will constantly be checking time and you will be distracted from being productive.

Eat Healthy and Stay Hydrated 
Maintaining a good diet and keeping yourself properly hydrated throughout your workday can really make a big difference your energy level and attitude. Instead of hitting the vending machine for lunch, have meals that involve yogurt, asparagus, honey, cherry tomatoes. Eating foods that keep your blood sugar wishing a normal range will stop headaches and fatigue, as well as help you concentrate better.

Accept People For Who They Are 
You can't change who people are. Instead of letting their personalities or actions affect you, take a step back. You could try techniques like counting to 10 before responding to them, avoiding finger-pointing, and maintaining a professional attitude.

Reward Yourself 
Whether it's by going out to dinner with your significant other, purchasing a new gadget, enjoying piece of candy, or giving yourself a pat on the back, find the time to reward yourself after you have completed a project or had a fruitful day.

Reflect the Day 
Why are you working so hard? You can answer that question by reflecting on the day and recalling something that was positive.

Be happy!
Healthy&Happy crew :)

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