This article is related to the same topic. Here you will find some additional information what you SHOULD do and what you SHOULDN'T do when you start adapting this way of eating.
Avoid combining Proteins and Carbohydrates! If an acid and a base are combined together in the stomach, digestion screeches to a halt, foods and chemicals combine and become sludge in your system where now they can sit and ferment for days just like adding sugar to a gas tank. This rule becomes the most important to follow! DO NOT mix proteins and starches in a single meal. However, this rule needs to be broken down further, because not all proteins have the same digestive requirements.
Red meats (Beef & Lamb) should NEVER be eaten with a carbohydrate or starch. White meats (Chicken, Pork & Fish) can be eaten with carbohydrates or starches but should be reserved to Whole Grain types of carbs.
Don't eat Fruits with other food groups. They should be eaten alone on an empty stomach, as a meal or snack. More about eating fruits.
Don't drink Milk! Milk should be given up at all costs. It doesn't combine well with anything, and slows or stops the normal digestion process.More about issue with milk.
Don't drink Soda or Pop: carbonated sweet drinks are horrible for us and so are their diet counter parts. You should avoid these drinks as much as possible.
Don't eat Desserts right after your meal! You can have sweets, try to find types that are low in saturated fats and trans fats, but eat then an hour or two after your meal. More about desserts and sweets.
Don't drink Alcohol during the week! If you need a cocktail in the evening, you can get by with a glass of wine and the best for you is a Red wine. If you know you are going to drink, it will be very helpful to drink Green tea before you drink and after to cleanse yourself of the effects and toxins it puts in your body.
Eat Yogurt a couple times a day! Eating yogurt will boost your energy, give you bone building calcium and flush your body of fat.
Use Fats and Oils with foods! Limit the quantities used as they could slow down the process of digestion, but you have to eat fat to lose fat, and choosing the correct fats is the key! More about GOOD and BAD fats.
Drink lots of Water! Water flushes our bodies, getting rid of impurities, keeping us hydrated, it helps to keep us looking younger. If you dislike the taste of water, chose a zero calorie flavoring like citrus fruits or cucumbers to make it more appealing for you to drink.
Eat High Fiber Vegetables each day! Fibrous veggies help to cleanse our system quickly and rid our bodies of putrefied waits. More about eating and combining vegetables.
Select more Raw Foods over Prepared Packaged Foods. When shopping for ingredients for your meal it is always a better decision to choose Fresh or Raw foods over the canned or packaged foods. Prepared foods tend to be loaded in preservatives, saturates fats and chemicals our bodies have trouble breaking down causing them to ferment and putrefy.
Use more Whole Grain Carbohydrates! Whole Grain forms of carbs have higher levels of fiber in them, and fiber cancels put a portion of the total carbohydrates of the food. Learn to calculate carbohydrates and fiber.
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